
Box SDK for android is the powerful API, the main objective is to provide proper guidance of Box SDK and it's implementation in your android projects.



Step 1 What is Box SDK?

Box is the Android SDK which acts as powerful content provider for your application. To get started, you can upload files directly from your device. The Content API will give full access of Box. Whether you are constructing a business app, content management software or need to present content exquisitely on web and mobile, the Box Platform can help facilitate the content and data layer of your application.

What functionality API Provides?

  • Once your files are on Box you can share files easily with a link.
  • You can quickly search for your files and folders.
  • With the help of this API you can edit files and save back to Box.
  • You can save files to your device for offline access.
  • You can create online workspace by inviting teammates to your folder.
  • You can exchange feedbacks with colleagues.
  • Also you can see recent activities by team members on the updates tab

Following are the key feature of Box Content:


1.1 Content

Box content covers all basics, and many other functionality which includes: Folders, Files, Users, Comments, Tasks with persistent ID's for every object.


1.2 Metadata

Customizable name-value pairs you can associate with any file. This will helps you to make your Context more meaningful.


1.3 Security

This API involved great attention to permissions, which uses 256-bit AES encryption and more.


1.4 Administration

This API provides functionality like Manage users, Manage groups and other enterprise settings. Provides all the detailed reports of who is accessing, what is accessing and the log time of access. Box(V2) requires Android SDK. This project of Box(V2) is not functional without JAVA SDK To Implement this functionality in your android app you need Box Java SDK, so first you must download this SDK. There are few important steps listed below which will guide you to implement the Box(V2) API in your project. Here Android SDK depends on Box Java SDK, So you must first import Java SDK and after that import Android SDK, make Java SDK as a build dependency



Step 2 Download Box Java SDK

Download Box Java SDK which contains BoxAndroidLibraryV2 and BoxJavaLibraryV2 libraries.


Step 3 Import Projects

Now in Eclipse simply import those two projects into your workspace, then select this two projects


Step 4 Add box android SDK as an android library project

Add box android SDK as an android library project: Open properties of your project, select Android, on bottom Library section, click Add, add BoxAndroidLibraryV2.

Properties for box


Step 5 Authentication

Authentication Make sure you've set up your client id, client secret and (optional) redirect url correctly.

For setting up your necessary parameters:

  1. Go to
  2. Create your account in this site or login if already created.
  3. After login, within your account click on Create a Box Application
    box sdk
    1. Give unique name to your Box Application and click on Box Content.

    Create Box Application

    2. Configure your Application: [Type here localhost as a default redirect_uri ]

    boxsdk android

    [Type here localhost as a default redirect_uri ]
    box sdk
    [Select check box for Android Phone and Tablet]

    3. Save your Application:

    OAuth Parameters

[Save generated cliend_id and client_secret for further use in your application]


Step 6 How to use client_id and client_secret keys

How to Use client_id and client_secret keys in your project.

public class BoxSDKSampleApplication extends Application {
// TODO: use your own client settings
public static final String CLIENT_ID = "//add your client id";
public static final String CLIENT_SECRET = "//add your client secret";
private ArrayList<BoxAndroidClient> list = new ArrayList<BoxAndroidClient>();
public void setClient(BoxAndroidClient client) {
* Gets the BoxAndroidClient for this app.
* @return a singleton instance of BoxAndroidClient.
public ArrayList<BoxAndroidClient> getClient() {
return list;

[Implementation of keys in BoxSDKSampleApplication class]


Step 7 OAuthActivity Activity.

Setting parameters and other settings in project.

Authentication: For authentication on click use this function, The coolest way to authenticate is to use the OAuthActivity, which is included in the SDK. Add it to your manifest to use it.

private void startAuth() {
boxModelModelList=new ArrayList<BoxModel>();
Intent intent = OAuthActivity.createOAuthActivityIntent(this,
BoxSDKSampleApplication.CLIENT_SECRET, false);
startActivityForResult(intent, AUTHENTICATE_REQUEST);
// If you don't have a server redirect url, use this instead:
// Intent intent = createOAuthActivityIntent(context, clientId, clientSecret, false, "http://localhost");
protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
switch (requestCode) {
if (resultCode == Activity.RESULT_CANCELED) {
if (data != null) {
String failMessage = data
Toast.makeText(this, "Auth fail:" + failMessage,
} else {
BoxAndroidOAuthData oauth = data
BoxAndroidClient client = new BoxAndroidClient(
BoxSDKSampleApplication.CLIENT_SECRET, null, null, null);
BoxSDKSampleApplication app = (BoxSDKSampleApplication) getApplication();
client.addOAuthRefreshListener(new OAuthRefreshListener() {
//This SDK auto refreshes OAuth access token when it expires. You will want to listen to the refresh events and update your stored token after refreshing.
public void onRefresh(IAuthData newAuthData) {
"oauth refreshed, new oauth access token is:"
+ newAuthData.getAccessToken());

Set background parameters by implementing below code:

protected ArrayList<BoxCollection> doInBackground(Null... params) {
ArrayList<BoxCollection> boxCollectionItemsList = new ArrayList<BoxCollection>();
try {
BoxPagingRequestObject requestObj = new BoxPagingRequestObject();
for (int i = 0; i < getClient().size(); i++) {
.getFolderItems("0", requestObj));
return boxCollectionItemsList;
} catch (BoxSDKException e) {
return boxCollectionItemsList;

For more about doInBackground() method:


Step 8 AndroidManifest file

Set Parameters in the project’s Manifest file. Box FileManager to Download Files.

<activity android:name="" />
           <activity android:name="BoxFileManager" >

Set your application name same as class created in step 5


If you have got any query related to BOX SDK for Android comment them below.

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I am android developer, and do development not because to get paid or get adulation by the public, but because it is fun to program. I have been working in this field since one and half year.

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